Welcome to the Kynaston and Quintin Kynaston schools (1956-1975) archive.
Thanks to all of you who supported this website’s development. These include Len Clark, Tim Watson, Dick Curtis (posthumously via his archive material) – and not forgetting Dick’s executors and some old boys who kindly contributed to fund the project to this stage. The main source of the current content is from Dick’s considerable paper-based and part-electronic archive, information and corrections from Len and Tim, and from my own research. Unfortunately, Dick wasn’t great at notation or indexing (better at art though) so don’t expect entirely complete or accurate details from day one – this is just a start and you can make a difference.
Can you help?
We would ask old boys and teachers for their help, via the Contact Us page (permits a file upload), or responding to a blog or news post, with corrections, anecdotes and memories particularly relating to the following:
- Photo identification: important: please provide the page title and image number for reference purposes
- Snowdonia trips – need dates and the three folders could be mixed up
- School plays – need dates and some of these could also be mixed up
- School trips – need dates, stories, anecdotes (for all)
- School magazines – we’re missing 1959, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974 and 1975 – can you help?
- Other – what might you know, or have in your attic, of potential value?
News: Bookmark the page for news, updates and School Reunion details. You can reply and comment here too.
Blog: This is where you can participate in a conversation.
Note: When responding to either a blog or a news post please ignore the ‘Website’ field.
Confidentiality: Please use contact us should you like to suggest any changes to photos (title, etc.).
1969 was the year I left, I seen to remember being in Blake 7 and Mr Lewis was a teacher.
Hi just found this site.
I was at QK from 1969 to 1975
Fred Green was my first form teacher. Occasionally in the late 90s would bump into Geoff Thomas (history teacher) in the Clifton pub in St John’s Wood.
Still in regular contact with Steve Joslin.
Barrie Davies
Hi Mr James. Do you remember the 1969/71 Economics class and the Economic history class with one student GH. Good memories from a long times ago
Mike Lock
Some where are some old school photos which i will hunt for over the Christmas break.
Have lost track of most of the boys from my year the only one i keep in touch with is a Robert (Bob) Flew who went on to work at HSBC.
A number of us went on to work at Price Forbes & Co Insurance brokers. King William Street House Arthur Street London EC 4
Ron Fossey is the only one whose name i can remember
I left in either 1961 or 62 and Mr. Clark was our Form master
If you have any names of the old boys living in Oz would appreciate their details and try to arrange a Mini reunion.
Hi. I started at Kynaston the year it opened. the head master was Jones and the assistant was Hodge. I was in the machine shop course and remember the wood working teachers name Collins. the teacher in the machine shop Jenkins. We used to be in Paddington Teck College and then moved to Kynaston when it opened in 1956. I worked for CAV as an apprentice, when I finished I had a trade Tool and Die. I am 78 years old and retired from a Robotic transfer system company In Canada.
Hi Raymond. You are almost, but not quite, as senior as Len Clark (Maths & Deputy Head), a regular contributor here!
I attended the school 1960-64. I remember some of my class mates:
David Fedor, Joey Simpson, Peter Chick, the Pollard brothers and
John Harrington.
Moshe Ben Eliezet
Hi Moshe! Do you have any documents or paperwork of interest to the group?
I attended Kynaston in the early 1960’s and would love to know if there is any way of contacting Old Boys from around that time as i have lived in Australia since 1974 and plan to make a to back to the UK during 2018/19
John Wollington
Hi John
If your trip dates cover the first Saturday in June then we get together for our annual reunion. See the Reunion page for details.
BTW, you make it 4 ex-pupils living in Australia 🙂
Best regards
Some where are some old school photos which i will hunt for over the Christmas break.
Have lost track of most of the boys from my year the only one i keep in touch with is a Robert (Bob) Flew who went on to work at HSBC.
A number of us went on to work at Price Forbes & Co Insurance brokers. King William Street House Arthur Street London EC 4
Ron Fossey is the only one whose name i can remember
I left in either 1961 or 62 and Mr. Clark was our Form master
If you have any names of the old boys living in Oz would appreciate their details and try to arrange a Mini reunion.
…looking forward to those photos John 🙂
Excellent site. It’s a pity that the two schools pretty much ignore one another until the merger – I was at Quintin and then QK until summer 1972. I’d love to see more material, specially photos, on things like the school plays – the review of ‘As You Like It’ in the 1970 magazine really takes me back! Does anyone have anything on ‘Hamlet’, which I think we did a year later, or on the wonderful Quintin ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in 1969?
Hi Laurence. Although the main focus is Kynaston school, some Quintin does feature (see menu item). Pupils from both camps are present regardless of which school they attended. Regarding school plays, all that’s available is on the site.
Excellent work and well set up so that things can be added. I’ve spent two hours in my loft this afternoon trying to find my box of memories (though more from the Quintin and QK era). Alas, 2 hours wasn’t enough to go through the detritus of many years and it might just have to wait till I retire.
Brill job, well done.
Derek ( Del ) James,
BSc(Hons), Dip Arch,
Hi Mr James,
I hope you’re the infamous Economics teacher.
You taught me a’level from 1971 – 73.
Dave Woolf ( mad Fulham fc fan)