Kynaston – Quintin Kynaston Schools archive & history
We encourage ex-pupils, ex-teachers and other interested parties to send us memories, anecdotes, documents and images covering the period 1956-1975. At a future time we will activate a blog function enabling visitors to post and allowing interaction. Why is only the period up to 1975 covered? The schools were situated on the St Johns Wood site for some 60 years. In agreement with ex Head of Art department Dick Curtis – who wished for a way to keep the memories alive- such a lengthy time span was felt too long a period to manage. So, we decided to cover the period from when the site was developed up to 1975 when most of our groups had left.

Why At the development stages of this project Quintin Kynaston School Academy still existed so, in order to differentiate ourselves, and for improved web searchability, was chosen. In September 2016 Quintin Kynaston Academy closed becoming Harris Academy St Johns Wood. Their website, containing limited historical content, is destined to be switched off soon so this site represents the only focused and dedicated portal for Kynaston and Quintin Kynaston schools history.
We hope you will enjoy this trip down memory lane.