Thank you for the email, in going through the photos attached I noticed Len Clark my old form and maths teacher.
If anyone can reach out to Len please pass on my sincere best regards as this man was the making of whom I am today and arranged for my first job when I had to leave school at Price Forbes & Co Insurance brokers Kind William Street House. Arthur Street London EC 4.
As I have lived in Australia since 1974 I do not get back often. With luck we may be in the UK around November this tear if noy 2024 for certain, so please keep me posted of any get togethers.
Warm regards
Kind regards
John Wollington
Hi Tim,
We must have been same year possibly different class?
Jon Wellington same class started work at Price Forbes same day many years ago!!! Also we were both in 1st 11 cricket.
Len Clark was our form teacher and a wonderful person who as with Jon secured our introduction to Price Forbes as with another Richard Flew.
Les also attended my wedding in 1970 in Farnham Surrey which is the last time we had contact.
Please if you see him could you remind him of me and a big thank you for all his help.
Also any photos you have of those please could you forward.
Many thanks
John you may well remember me!!
Mr Clark also got me my first job at Price Forbes and I think we started at the same time ?
I was in the non marine claims department not sure where you were.
Very envious of you being in Australia we living in Cotswolds which is lovely but could do with your sun☀️☀️
I think we we’re also in the cricket team together
John cantouris.
Hi Wolly,
You probably won’t remember me but we sat next to each other at the back of French classes along with Roger Smith (Smudger) . I don’t know how good your French is but mine is virtually nonexistent!
I call in and see Len every couple of weeks or so and he came to the lunch organised by Tug last week. Next time I see him I’ll draw his attention to your comments. If you let me have an email address I’ll send you photos of those that attended.
I hope you are in good health and still enjoying living in Australia.
Best wishes
Tim Watson
Tim hello
I definitely don’t think I remember you but we must have been in same year ?
John Wollington was in same class as I was and both in cricket team and both started our first job together at Price Forbes which was arranged by Len Clark.
Mr Clark the last time I saw him was at our wedding in 1972 and to hear he is still around is wonderful and I would be grateful if you could pass on my regards.
Please if you have any photos of the school days I would be really grateful if you could forward
Hi John,
I saw Len yesterday and once again mentioned your name but I’m afraid his memory is not that good, however he thinks he recalls your wedding. He does get very lonely and I’m sure would welcome a visit given prior notice. If you’re interested in seeing him it would probably be best to email me and I’ll check with him if it’s alright to pass on his address.