Were you a part of the early 1970s student unrest about “unpleasant school dinners, caning, and the conformity of school uniforms”? According to this report, we at QK were not a happy bunch: “On the 4th May 1972 about 200 boys aged between 11 and 16, put down their pencils and rulers at Quinton …
Kynaston & Quintin Kynaston School (1956-1975) News Page
Bookmark the page: news and reunion meeting details will be posted here.
Welcome to kynastonschool.com
Welcome to the Kynaston and Quintin Kynaston schools (1956-1975) archive. Thanks to all of you who supported this website's development. These include Len Clark, Tim Watson, Dick Curtis (posthumously via his archive material) – and not forgetting Dick’s executors and some old boys who kindly …
From John Wallington re Len Clark
Thank you for the email, in going through the photos attached I noticed Len Clark my old form and maths teacher. If anyone can reach out to Len please pass on my sincere best regards as this man was the making of whom I am today and arranged for my first job when I had to leave school at Price …